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Workplace Cohort Graduations

Celebrating workplace successes is essential to corporate morale, and what better way to acknowledge the success of a cohort of graduates than by hosting an in-house graduation.  

With strong completion numbers, and strong interpersonal bonds forged over a 2-year Graduate Development Program, these young professionals are set to take on the next phase of their careers with an outstanding professional qualification, to match their tertiary credential, and to complement their technical skills.

This excellent result can be squarely attributed to the hard work and dedication of these graduates, and also to the genuine and sustained workplace engagement and support offered by GHD.

As with cohorts in the past, we have been able to observe a strong correlation between support and engagement on the business side, and the quality of work produced and rate of successful completions.  Special thanks goes out to all of the Workplace Project Mentors who really pitch in for their graduates!