Cert.4 PM Full Programme

Qualification Code: BSB41515

Qualification Title: Certificate IV in Project Management Practice

Provider: Techknowledgey Pty Ltd (Techknowledgey®)

PO Box 953, Templestowe VIC 3106 (+613) 8539 4866 learning@techknowledgey.edu.au

RTO ID: 41214

Delivery Location:  At enrolment, the location for the training is determined by consultation with the employer and the student.  The training location may be your workplace, a hosted learning centre, or TechKnowledgey’s training premises:
TechKnowledgey Learning Hub
Suite 1, L2 Riverside Quay, 1 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank VIC 3006
TechKnowledgey will ensure that the training location is suitable, and meets the requirements for this qualification.  (For all workplace delivery locations, the Delivery Site Inspection Checklist will be used, to determine suitability of the location.)


Delivery Mode: This qualification is delivered via a blended approach to training and assessment,

consisting of:

  • 4 full-day training sessions, distributed across the period of the course duration (on dates scheduled to suit students’ learning and operational requirements); and
  • online and workplace-based learning throughout the period of the course duration.

Course Duration: 6 months

Recognition of Prior Learning:  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available, and all students are offered the opportunity to participate in RPL upon application.  RPL is recommended as an option where individuals have been working in a relevant job role for at least 2 years.
RPL is a process whereby skills and knowledge that you have gained through work and life experience and other unrecognised training can be formally recognised.
The RPL Process
An ‘Assessment Only’ pathway is used for RPL, allowing you to proceed directly to summative assessments, without the need to complete formal training.
A streamlined RPL process has been developed, including the following steps:
1)    The student expresses their interest in RPL, and discusses their suitability for the ‘Assessment Only’ pathway with TechKnowledgey.
2)    The student formally applies for RPL.
3)    The student provides a current copy of their Curriculum Vitae (CV), allowing TechKnowledgey to evaluate the student’s ability to proceed directly to summative assessments, without the need for formal training, including the following factors –

  • the relevance of the student’s current role to the course and the qualification;
  • whether the student has sufficient experience in roles directly related to the subject matter of the qualification; and
  • any previous formal training the student has undertaken in the subject area (where relevant).

4)    The student undertakes a short (10-15 minute) Skype/ phone interview, to verify the information provided in the CV submission, and to ask any follow-up questions required.
5)    The application is reviewed for suitability by a TechKnowledgey trainer/ assessor.
6)    If suitability is confirmed, the student is enrolled in the ‘Assessment Only’ pathway.
7)    Feedback is collected from each student in relation to the RPL process.
RPL Tools
There are three tools used to form assessment decisions for each RPL enrolment into the BSB41515 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice.  They are the:

  • RPL Application Form;
  • Current Copy of Student’s CV; and
  • The Skype/ Phone Interview.

RPL Fees
Fees applicable for RPL are as follows:

  • $100.00 Application fee, upon submitting the RPL Application Form; and
  • $350.00 per unit of competency to complete the RPL process.

Your RPL fees will be calculated based on the number of units you are applying for, and there is also an application fee for each application.  So, please ensure you apply for all of your intended units together, to avoid multiple application fees.
If you are applying for some units by RPL, and completing the remaining units by normal training and assessment, your course fees will be adjusted on a per-unit basis, to reflect the number of units completed via RPL.
For more information about submitting an application for RPL, please contact our head office.

Course Credit: Course Credit is a formal mechanism for recognising previous studies completed, for the purpose of reducing the number of units which must be completed in your current qualification.
All students are offered the opportunity to apply for Course Credit upon application.  A student can access Course Credit, by completing the Credit Application Form and submitting relevant supporting documents.  You will be advised in writing of the outcome of your credit application.
In some cases, credits may lead to a reduction in the course fees, as there is less work involved in delivering your course.  Any reduction in fees will be advised to you in writing.
More details regarding Course Credit are provided in the Student Handbook and Credit Policy & Procedures.  For any additional questions regarding Course Credit, please contact us to discuss further.

Pathways: Pathways into the qualification
Preferred pathways for students considering this qualification include:

  • Completion of a certificate III level qualification from the BSB training package; or
  • Vocational experience in project-based work.

Pathways from the qualification
After achieving this qualification students may, in order to progress into project management, undertake:

  • BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Learning Arrangements: Training will consist of 4 full-day sessions, distributed across the period of the course duration.  These face-to-face training days are scheduled by agreement with employers and students, to suit their learning and operational needs.
Throughout the period of the course duration, students are required to complete a minimum of 7 hours of independent study each week.
Independent study will consist of students:

  • reading the online materials and class materials;
  • discussing their work with their trainer/ assessor, Workplace Project Mentor, project stakeholders and other students; and
  • working as part of a group to develop their workplace-based Action Learning Projects.

Access to all learning and reference materials is available to students through TechKnowledgey’s Learning Management System (LMS).
Throughout the enrolment period, students will be supported in developing their Action Learning Projects – and their project management knowledge and skills – by an assigned Workplace Project Mentor, as described above.
Students can also access support from their trainer/ assessor throughout this time, via phone or email, if they have any questions about their learning, project work or assessment tasks.


The BSB41515 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice is made up of  9 units of competency – 3 core units and 6 electives.  To complete this qualification, you must complete ALL 9 units of competency listed below:

BSBPMG409 Apply project scope management techniques Core
BSBPMG410 Apply project time management techniques Core
BSBPMG411 Apply quality management techniques Core
BSBPMG412 Apply project cost management techniques Elective
BSBPMG413 Apply project human resources management approaches Elective
BSBPMG414 Apply project information management and communications techniques Elective
BSBPMG415 Apply project risk management techniques Elective
BSBPMG416 Apply project procurement procedures Elective
BSBPMG417 Apply project life cycle management processes Elective


Learning Arrangements:  Training will consist of 4 full-day sessions, distributed across the period of the course duration.  These face-to-face training days are scheduled by agreement with employers and students, to suit their learning and operational needs.
Throughout the period of the course duration, students are required to complete a minimum of 7 hours of independent study each week.
Independent study will consist of students:

  • reading the online materials and class materials;
  • discussing their work with their trainer/ assessor, Workplace Project Mentor, project stakeholders and other students; and
  • working as part of a group to develop their workplace-based Action Learning Projects.

Access to all learning and reference materials is available to students through TechKnowledgey’s Learning Management System (LMS).
Throughout the enrolment period, students will be supported in developing their Action Learning Projects – and their project management knowledge and skills – by an assigned Workplace Project Mentor, as described above.
Students can also access support from their trainer/ assessor throughout this time, via phone or email, if they have any questions about their learning, project work or assessment tasks.

Additional Support

  • Enrolment Forms and the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment are to be reviewed by the trainer/ assessor, to identify if the student has indicated they require any additional support.
  • Disability, learning, English language, literacy and numeracy needs will all be considered at the point of application, to assess individual needs.
  • Individual needs may also be identified verbally or in written correspondence during the Pre-Enrolment and Enrolment processes, or first weeks of training.
  • Where individual support needs have been identified, the trainer will further discuss the needs with the student, to identify how TechKnowledgey can support the student.  An individual support plan may be developed to assist the student through the course.  Or, the student may be referred to an external service, for support before enrolment – this might be for English language courses, employment support, lower level or more suitable qualifications delivered by other providers.  In some cases, the course may not be deemed suitable for a student, and the enrolment declined.
  • A student may not be offered a place for enrolment, if the RTO is not able to support the student in the course.

An individual support plan may be developed to outline the support required for the student, which may include:

  • Additional one-on-one support from the trainer/ assessor (such as additional meetings, phone calls or emails).
  • Adjustments to the way training resources are accessed or provided.
  • Adjustments to the way assessments are to be conducted, or extra time for assessments – e.g. verbal responses instead of written.
  • Linking with additional resources in the community.

Assessment Arrangements:  Assessment is conducted through a variety of assessment methods including:

  • Product-based methods, including completion of individual Performance Evidence Assessment Tools (PEATs), which relate to the Action Learning Project work undertaken in a group at the student’s workplace, and in consultation with a nominated Workplace Project Mentor (WPM);
  • Third party evidence, including WPM confirmation of consistent workplace performance, as part of the Action Learning Project (provided through Third Party Observation Reports); and
  • Questioning, including completion of written activities, Knowledge Evidence Assessment Tools (KEATs).

Resource Requirements:  Students are expected to bring with them for face-to-face training sessions, as required:

  • writing materials; and
  • laptops or tablets.

For accessing learning content and completing assessments via TechKnowledgey’s LMS, students require:

  • a tablet, laptop or PC for accessing and uploading content;
  • a reliable Internet connection; and
  • compatible browser software.

For completing the assessment tasks and learning activities, students require:

  • access to workplace documentation, including policies and procedures; and
  • the ability to plan and implement a project in a group.

Other learning materials will be provided by TechKnowledgey.



There are no pre-requisites for this qualification or any of the units of competency contained within it.  However, TechKnowledgey requires that students:

  • have completed year 12 or equivalent;
  • are over the age of 18;
  • are capable and have a suitable level of language, literacy and numeracy to complete the course requirements, with or without the additional support which TechKnowledgey is able to provide;
  • currently occupy a role relevant to the course, and the subject-area of the qualification;
  • are currently employed at a workplace suitable for undertaking the assessments, and where the required resources are available;
  • have received the employer’s commitment to support the student and the Workplace Project Mentor (WPM) throughout the duration of the course; and
  • have received the WPM’s commitment to support them in completing the workplace-based assessments


How to Apply/Enrol

The Pre-Enrolment and Enrolment processes for this course are made up of the following steps.
Pre-Enrolment process
1)    Student completes Application Form, including AVETMISS details and USI.
2)    Student Completes Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment.
3)    Student gains workplace approval for enrolment.
4)    Student secures agreement from Workplace Project Mentor.
5)    TechKnowledgey assesses student’s application.
Enrolment process
6)    Student undertakes Induction Briefing.
7)    Student is enrolled in course.
The Pre-Enrolment and Enrolment processes for this course are fully described for prospective students in an overview flowchart and detailed presentation, in the Student Handbook.

TechKnowledgey will work with the relevant workplace manager (e.g. Learning & Development Coordinator):

  • at Pre-Enrolment, to confirm –

the relevance of the student’s current role to the course and the qualification;
the suitability and availability of required workplace resources for the course;
the employer’s commitment to support the student and the Workplace Project Mentor (WPM), as they participate in workplace-based assessment;

  • at Enrolment, to –
    review workplace needs;
    schedule training dates and venues; and
  • during the course of the student’s enrolment, to –
    facilitate communication between the WPM, the employer and the student, where required.


TechKnowledgey will work with the nominated Workplace Project Mentor (WPM):

  • at Pre-Enrolment, to confirm –
    the WPM’s commitment to support the student, as they undertake their assessments; and
  • during the course of the student’s enrolment, to –
    facilitate communication between the WPM, the employer and the student, where required.


Throughout the course of the student’s enrolment, the WPM will:

  • oversee the development of the student’s workplace-based Action Learning Project (ALP);
  • offer advice and assistance, where required, regarding development of the ALP; and
  • provide Third Party Observation Reports to TechKnowledgey, confirming the relevance and consistency of skills demonstrated in the workplace by the student.

The WPM will complete and sign the relevant Third Party Observation Report for each unit undertaken by the student.  The student will include the Third Party Observation Report with their submission of the completed Performance Evidence Assessment Tool (PEAT) report for the unit.  (The student may wish to show the completed PEAT report to their WPM, prior to finalisation of the Third Party Observation Report.)
The Third Party Observation Report will be used as supplementary evidence, as only the qualified assessor will be making a decision on competency for the unit.  However, the assessor will use the Third Party Observation Report as evidence to support this decision.

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